I want to sue you


We are an independent fact-checking organisation run by regular people, just like you.

Quite simply, all we do is examine the content of Mr McCartney’s Tweets and Retweets, then use reputable third-party sources to determine, as far as we’re concerned, whether or not the content is accurate.

You should already be doing this yourself, every time you use social media.

We are not an omniscient being that oversees Mr McCartney and those he Retweets – and our verdicts are not intended to be regarded as unquestionable statements of fact.

For this reason, we always refer to our verdicts as our verdicts. You are free – and encouraged – to draw your own.

If you believe we have defamed you with one or several of our verdicts, we apologise, but strongly disagree.

A lawsuit is in nobody’s interests. Instead, reach out to us on Twitter and ask us to re-examine our verdict(s). While we are unlikely to change it, we are happy to offer an insight into how we arrived at it, and therefore demonstrate the evidence-based nature of each and every verdict we deliver.

For the sake of emphasis: our verdicts are our own conclusions and they are based on evidence we scrutinise.